Monday, 26 April 2021

Two Youtube videos/when you don't feel like exercising/How to trick yourself

 Hello and welcome!Happy Monday!

Here are two videos back to back, that I did this weekend, Saturday night and Sunday, and I was not in the mood Saturday night but go in the mindset of not wanting to do any, but I still did. I often have to trick myself. 

So the first video was me comtemplating by fooling myself that I would only do 5 mins and that was it, and how I feel unmotivated to do any, 

The Second video is an update to tell you if I did do some exercise in the end and I did, and I talk more about how I have tricked myself to get fit and just saying "I'll do half hour" but I end up doing an hour is a great way to get fit, and taking away the pressure and the inner voice that I would get if I didn't do any exercise. 

I really hope that these videos help you and I will be posting more. If you would also like to check out my other fitness site then go to:

Many thanks, 

Carrie L.M X

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