Monday, 19 April 2021

Set the timer on 7 minutes to exercise

Hello! There was a time when I hatd exercise when I was at Secondary school as we had to run around the school and do the beep test and I hated it. I wanted to do whatever it took not to do these two activities as I was not that kind of girl.

Looking back I see that actually in some areas I did cause I loved playing any sport, so it was whatever made exercise not to be a chore but something to enjoy.

I now do 2-3 7 minute workouts each week and I do a mixture, but I have to make sure I get some done, set the timer on my phone to do a good workout within that time of 7 minutes and it really is a great way to make sure you get it in. 

I would often on a Sunday go on a Sunday run and I loved it, I will soon be going on walks again as I like to fit this in too, but I am in the process of changing where I live and would like to have a home gym again as this can save you money and a place where you can put on some music or a TV, to get some exercise in the week completed but again, isn't hardwork but what will benefit me mentally and physically.

It can come to the weekend when I fit in some exercise but I don't worry about that I just focus on, when I get the erge to do some I get on with it and do a workout, I stop the guilt. Always listen to your body and you'll know when it wants exercise or when it doesn't.

I hope you have a good week ahead and honestlyif you haven't made any life changes at the start of the year, its never to late to make changes now. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie L.M X

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