Saturday, 21 August 2021

Working On My Fitness Routine

Hello and welcome! This blog is about Working on my fitness routine, as I have tried many and I have now started training in the mornings again doing 6 exercises, and this is with my dumbbells and exercising my legs through doing leg raises and have been walking too. 

I do like exercise otherwise I wouldn't do it. Yet have had to take some time off from training as its been the Summer Holidays, yet this has helped me stay fit also. 

You may have to adapt exercising to your life as life takes over, but as soon as I go back into it, I do enjoy and see it as my time to wake myself up and doing in the morning again, helps to make sure it is done and then I can go about my day, and then spend time walking and visiting my local or other places. 

Once you get a good routine to exercise it's sticking to it and that is by mixing it, I have before now done some exercise in the evening, but at the moment I want to continue doing morning workouts as I find it helps me accomplish more and then I can do more through the day if I feel like it. 

Try different times and schedule it in, so you have it there and do some finally to then tick off to plan to do more on other days. 

Life can be tiring especially when you have children but I have exercised when looking after my son and he would often copy me, and so you can get them involved and getting it done whilst they are a sleep is a good idea, but not always possible. 

Just find your stride and I have written on other platforms about fitness check out my site: 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

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