Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Walking With my son even when its not always blissful

I love my son to bits and today we went for a walk because he wouldn't leave his dad alone, who was doing his training with his weights and I was a bit doubtful in case getting him home is tough like on Friday when my son kicked off because we didn't go the way he wanted. 

In playground near home we use and from when I walk around it whilst my son rode on his bike

We often go on walks and it not always bad and going to be doing a new Walking event called the Winter Walk, in London in January and so glad to be back doing fundraising events. It has been a long time.

It is so good to get out in the fresh air and if its just spitting or grizzly we still go out and walk. We live where there are a lot of places to walk and often Henry has gone on his Scooter whilst I walk and built up my speed to keep up. 

My dad was always walking as he would work up into the center of London and so I feel it is in my blood and I just find it so good to do. I plan my walks and I do some on a treadmill to help strengthen my legs and once I get to a good pace where I still feel comfortable and can still walk, it helps me to walk longer distances and would like me and my son to do a charity walk together but work on short walks to do before doing longer ones. 

He, my son has wanted to walk from London Waterloo to Epsom, because he loves trains and wants to pass the stations, but I am not sure if he knows how far it is but don't want say no because I want him to be active and continue to do walks together and so we have been building up to do that. He has said anything since last week, but if he wants to give it a try then we will. I just hope it won't take a year. He likes to pretend he is a train whilst walking and we have got lost or not sure of the way to be able to do that, so will take some planning but as said, if he wants to do long distant walks like that then I not going to destroy his enthusiasm. 

The weekends is usually when we walk and it is good to break up the day. Sundays' are off because my son goes to rugby and a football club, along with me who does a radio show on Epsom Hospital Radio 4 to 6pm and so we walk on Saturdays and when we were using the playground near where I live in Wimbledon I walk around, whilst my son rode his bike. 

So if you want to spend time outdoors and your kids are driving you mad indoors, walking can be just what you need.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X